1. Lilies

Lily not only has a serious harm to cats and cats, its pollen is exaggerated to the extreme, as long as it is exposed, contamination is likely to cause cats to vomit, lethargy and loss of appetite, and may also cause kidney failure when serious!

2. Suzuran

Like lilies, it has a highly toxic effect on cats and cats, and when eaten by mistake, it will cause cats to vomit, convulse, and even die suddenly.

3. Hydrangeas

Relative to the above two kinds of toxicity is not so heavy on cats and cats, but after accidental ingestion, it will cause gastrointestinal problems in cats and cats, and loss of appetite.

4. Cuckoo

After accidental ingestion, the cat will have symptoms such as vomiting, spasms and arrhythmias.

5. Calla lily

Its stems and leaves are the most toxic, causing irritation and burning sensation to the mouth of cats and cats, and may cause the risk of suffocation due to difficulty breathing in cats and cats.

6. Peony

Cats and cats are prone to vomiting and diarrhea after accidental ingestion.

7. Chrysanthemums

Even if it is the least dangerous flower that is a threat to cats and cats, but do not be careless, too much contact between cats and chrysanthemums can cause diarrhea, dermatitis and other problems.

After reading these, do you feel that as long as it belongs to flowers, it is not suitable for cat families? In fact, roses, sunflowers, stars, blue snowflakes, jasmine and other flowers are still relatively safe for cats and cats. What other flowers do you know that are harmful to cats? Feel free to share the discussion in the comments section, thanks for watching!