July 2024


If you have a cat owner at home, don’t plant these plants

As we all know, cats are very naughty little animals, and if there are strange things in the house, they can’t help but be curious […]

Why is a dog’s nose dry in winter? How to solve the problem of dry nose in dogs

You’ve probably heard the saying that a cool, damp nose means your dog is healthy. Yes, but there are some reasons that can cause your […]

Can the kitten just get a bath after being vaccinated?

 If the cat is younger, they need to be vaccinated three times to complete the vaccination, and after all the infectious disease vaccines, they must […]

What yogurt is good for dogs to drink?

Dogs drink lactic acid bacteria milk is better, first of all, the calcium in lactic acid bacteria milk is conducive to dog absorption, and secondly, […]

How to soothe a cat with a stress response?

There are many kinds of symptoms of cat stress response, not only will there be strange movements and affect appetite, etc., but also will lead […]

What’s going on with the dog hiccups?

  When the dog has just arrived in an unfamiliar environment or is frightened, it will feel nervous, resulting in an increased breathing rate and […]

Get a brief understanding of the characteristics of muppet cats

With more and more people who want to keep pets, high-value muppet cats have become the favorite of many people, and raising cats can not […]