Free Man Holding Kittens Material Images


Seeing that this may have a small partner who is more afraid of raising a cat, afraid of being attacked indiscriminately by it every day… Don’t worry, cats and cats generally do not have a real aggression, under normal circumstances, it will not cause harm to people, and why do cats and cats suddenly attack people?


In fact, this is just because you don’t have time to play with it, it is boring to play with it, it just wants to attract your attention to let you play with it, but pay attention to, as far as possible in the cat when it is a child training, do not let it have real aggression against people, when it does some aggressive behavior must be harshly reprimanded to educate it, if it does not do this job well, it can be you when it grows up.


In addition, the front and back paws of cats and cats have a clear division of labor, the front paws are responsible for grasping and fixing, and the back paws are auxiliary fixed to run and force, they sometimes hold you and kick and bite, this is their practice of hunting game behavior, and not serious, just like usually we can see cats and cats holding and kicking and biting a reason for toys.


In general, cats suddenly attack people because you don’t have more time to play with them, they just create their own means of entertainment. Of course, scientific and reasonable cat raising skills can also make your cat a disciplined and well-trained cat. For the cat and cat suddenly attack people, all the friends have more ideas and suggestions, welcome to share and discuss in the comment area, thank you for watching!