For families with dogs, the dog’s personality is too lively is also a big problem, so what if the dog likes to pounce on people? Maybe you can try the following method.


1. Use a leash to control the action by pulling the leash hard when the dog pounces on someone else, and then let it sit down. Sit still for three minutes and then get the dog up.

2. when the dog pounces on you, say “no” or “NO” loudly, while backing away from the dog, try the dog a few times to know that you don’t like this behavior.

3. At the same time, you can also train your dog with commands. When the dog is about to pounce on people, immediately use the order to sit down sternly, and the generally smarter dogs will not pounce on people again. However, the premise is that the dog must learn this command, and repeated training can deepen the dog’s impression.