But unexpectedly, just out of the house, the dog did not dare to leave, directly lying on the ground… How to call, how to pull will not go, full of screen embarrassment.



So what should be done?

Before preparing to take the puppy out, you can spend a few days deliberately taking the dog to move around at the door or window, so that they can feel the outside air from their familiar environment, see the new things of another world, the neighbor’s puppy, the bird in the sky, the child playing…

Let the dog look forward to the world outside the door, and then try to take the dog out of the door and slowly move further and further according to the dog’s ability to adapt.



For dogs who are afraid to go out, the most expected thing at this time is to go home, so they take home as a reward. Put the dog in front of the house, he will take the initiative to go in the direction of the house, the owner just need to follow. After each outing, the distance from home is gradually extended, so that the distance back of the dog is getting farther and farther.

Don’t drag hard while the dog is lying still, stop and rest. Give your dog a time to get used to it, and maybe he’ll take the initiative to get up and try to explore.



If the dog is nervous and keeps him still, then carry him home first. Spend a few days at home with your dog observing the environment outside the door, so that he forgets the unpleasant experience and expects the world outside the door from scratch.