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1. Shiba Inu

What impressed us most about Shiba Inu was the “Hachiko Inu” and the memes that flooded the Internet world, but you know what? Shiba Inu’s personality is very stubborn, as long as it wants to do something must not stop its determination, just like how to pull so much after going out for a walk and not wanting to go home, is to fight with you to the end.

2. Samoyed

Samoyed is one of the three fools of the sleigh and has a relatively strong energy, so there will often be a house demolition, not only tearing down your mood, but also emptying your wallet. But can this stop people from loving them? No, they are known as smiling angels, white hair with cute facial features, melt your heart in minutes, but often a bad thing will always make you taste the sweetness before it happens… They don’t care about their clean hair, when they encounter the mud, they will release their nature, play freely, they have fun, and when you go home to bathe it, you cry~

3. Side pastoral

Bian Mu is recognized as the highest IQ dog breed in the world, but also because of their high IQ, they often wrestle with their owners, causing many shovelers to have to accommodate them in some things to be able to proceed smoothly. Not only that, as a dog breed who comes from sheep herding work, its energy is exuberant, and if it does not reach sufficient exercise, you have to be careful of any objects in the house…

4. Teddy

Teddy is smart and small, and more importantly, the curly hair is not easy to fall off, these advantages are the reasons why the pet owner chooses them, but as we all know, Teddy also has a nickname – Tai Ri Tian, they often initiate mating actions on some things will make any scene very embarrassing and uncomfortable.

5. Husky

As one of the most representative members of the three fools of the sleigh, their strange brain circuits can always bring many different “surprises” to the pet owner. There are many external titles, such as “no hand”, “demolition office supervisor”, “neurology master”, etc., through these titles, you can probably know how many different “surprises” they can bring you.

6. Alaska

This issue is to put together the three fools of the sled, and its ability to dismantle the house is beyond doubt, and Alaska, as a medium and large dog breed, not only eats more, but also loses hair very easily, and the already small hair is matched with such a large “lump” dog, which is simply maddening. Its consumption in and out of the pet store is not the price of the general dog, and the small partners who do not have some strength at home are cautious!

The 6 torturous dogs in this issue are only literal, and even a little exaggerated, but for some of the small partners, these contents are like the truth that you need to know before buying. In fact, the choice of dogs is not to follow the mainstream to follow the public, suitable is the best choice ~ there are more ideas and suggestions welcome to share and discuss in the comment area, thank you for watching!